
Unlock Your Future: Navigating Your Path to Tech Brilliance! Dive into Expert Insights, Success Stories, and Pro Tips for Your Seamless Career Transition!

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Stakeholder management is the process of identifying, engaging and managing the interests and needs of stakeholders in a project or organisation.

The art of stakeholder communication is the secret sauce to success, this helps to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget and to the required quality.

Join me as we explore this further:

Who are stakeholders?

Stakeholders are any individuals, groups, or organisations that have an interest in a project or organisation. This can include customers, employees, investors, suppliers, and the community, the list is endless depending on the scenario that we find ourselves in.

Stakeholder management begins with identifying key stakeholders, from project sponsors to end-users, and assessing their influence and interests.

Importance of stakeholder Management:

Key benefits of the importance of stakeholder management

  • Improved project outcomes: Effective stakeholder management can help to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality.
  • Reduced risk: Stakeholder management can help to identify and mitigate risks that could impact a project and a business
  • Increased support: Stakeholder management can help to build and maintain support for the project.
  • Improved communication: Stakeholder management can help to improve communication between all stakeholders involved in the project.

How to manage stakeholders:

There are different approaches to managing stakeholders, let us explore just a few here.

  • Identify stakeholders: The first step is to identify all stakeholders who have an interest in the project or initiative within a business or organisation, from the sponsor to end-users.
  • Assess stakeholder needs and expectations: Once stakeholders have been identified, it is important to assess their needs and expectations.
  • Develop a stakeholder management plan: A stakeholder management plan is a document that outlines the strategies for engaging and managing stakeholders
  • Communicate effectively: Communication is essential for effective stakeholder management. It is important to keep stakeholders informed of the progress of the project and to address any concerns they may have.
  • Monitor and review stakeholder engagement: It is important to monitor and review stakeholder engagement on an ongoing basis to ensure that the stakeholder management plan is effective
  • Acknowledge the contributions of each stakeholder, celebrating the collective success. Recognition fosters a positive environment and builds strong relationships for future collaborations.

Stakeholder management tools

There are a number of different tools available to help with stakeholder management. Some of the most popular tools include:

  • Stakeholder register: A stakeholder register is a document that lists all stakeholders and their contact information.
  • Stakeholder analysis matrix: A stakeholder analysis matrix is a tool that can be used to assess the power, influence, and interest of each stakeholder.
  • Stakeholder communication plan: A stakeholder communication plan is a document that outlines the strategies for communicating with each stakeholder.

Stakeholder management is not a one-time performance; This commitment to continuous improvement ensures that your stakeholder management skills remain finely tuned.

It is important to collect feedback from stakeholders, evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies and implement improvements for the future.

November 24, 2023 | posted by admin
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Diversity and Inclusion in Tech: Challenges and Opportunities

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, diversity and inclusion have emerged as critical pillars shaping the future of the industry. While progress has been made, the tech sector still grapples with challenges related to diversity and inclusion. This article delves into the complexities of this issue, highlighting the challenges faced and exploring the vast opportunities that a diverse and inclusive tech industry can offer.

Challenges in Achieving Diversity and Inclusion:

Gender Disparity:
One of the most prominent challenges in the tech industry is the gender gap. Women remain underrepresented in technical roles, leadership positions, and boardrooms. Overcoming stereotypes and biases is essential to bridge this divide and tap into the vast female talent pool.

Racial and Ethnic Diversity:
Racial and ethnic minorities continue to face barriers in accessing opportunities within the tech sector. Discrimination, unconscious biases, and lack of representation pose significant challenges. Addressing systemic racism and fostering a culture of inclusivity are imperative for promoting diversity in the industry.

Lack of Inclusive Work Environments:
Creating inclusive work environments where employees feel valued, respected, and heard is crucial. Discrimination, microaggressions, and exclusionary practices can erode the sense of belonging among underrepresented groups. Cultivating an inclusive workplace culture requires active efforts from organizations and individuals alike.

Limited Access to Education and Training:
Limited access to quality education and training programs disproportionately affects marginalized communities. Providing equal opportunities for education and skills development is vital for fostering diversity in the tech talent pool. Initiatives that support STEM education in underserved communities can bridge this gap.

Opportunities for a Diverse and Inclusive Tech Industry:

Innovation and Creativity:
Diversity fuels innovation by bringing together individuals with varied perspectives, experiences, and problem-solving approaches. Inclusive teams are more likely to generate creative solutions to complex problems, driving technological advancements and enhancing competitiveness in the global market.

Enhanced Decision-Making:
Inclusive teams benefit from diverse viewpoints, leading to more comprehensive and informed decision-making processes. Different backgrounds and experiences challenge conventional thinking, resulting in well-rounded strategies and solutions that cater to diverse user needs and preferences.

Access to Untapped Talent:
A diverse and inclusive tech industry opens doors to a wealth of untapped talent. By removing barriers and providing equal opportunities, organizations can harness the skills and creativity of individuals from diverse backgrounds, leading to a more skilled and versatile workforce.

Strengthening Corporate Reputation:
Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion are viewed favourably by employees, customers, and investors. A strong commitment to these values enhances corporate reputation and fosters a positive company image. Customers are more likely to support businesses that demonstrate social responsibility and inclusivity.

Steps Toward a More Inclusive Tech Industry:

Education and Training:
Invest in educational programs and initiatives that promote STEM education in underserved communities. Scholarships, coding boot camps, and mentorship programs can empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue tech careers.

Anti-Bias Training:
Conduct anti-bias training for employees to raise awareness about unconscious biases and promote inclusive behaviour. Training programs can help create a respectful and supportive work environment for everyone.

Diverse Hiring Practices:
Implement diverse hiring practices, such as blind resume reviews and diverse interview panels, to mitigate unconscious biases during recruitment processes. Encourage employee referrals and partnerships with organizations that support diversity and inclusion.

Employee Resource Groups:
Establish Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that provide a platform for employees from different backgrounds to connect, share experiences, and foster inclusivity. ERGs can offer mentorship, networking opportunities, and cultural awareness initiatives.

The tech industry’s journey toward diversity and inclusion is an ongoing and essential endeavour. By addressing challenges, embracing opportunities, and fostering a culture of inclusivity, the tech sector can become a beacon of diversity, innovation, and collaboration. Every individual, organization, and community has a role to play in creating a tech industry that is truly representative of the diverse world we live in. Let us work together to build a future where everyone, regardless of their background, has an equal opportunity to thrive and contribute to the exciting world of technology.

November 6, 2023 | posted by Ennie Ojomo
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Building a Strong Online Presence: Personal Branding for Tech Professionals

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential, especially for tech professionals. Whether you are a software developer, data scientist, IT consultant, or any other tech expert, personal branding can significantly enhance your career prospects and open up new opportunities. In this article, we will explore the importance of personal branding for tech professionals and provide valuable tips on how to build and maintain a robust online presence.

Why Personal Branding Matters for Tech Professionals:

1. Career Advancement:

In the competitive tech industry, a strong personal brand can set you apart from your peers. It can showcase your expertise, skills, and unique perspective, making you a desirable candidate for job opportunities, promotions, and collaborations.

2. Building Credibility:

A well-crafted personal brand establishes your credibility as a tech professional. It demonstrates your knowledge, experience, and passion for the field, making it easier for potential employers, clients, and collaborators to trust your abilities.

3. Networking Opportunities:

A robust online presence allows you to connect with like-minded professionals, industry experts, and potential clients or employers. Networking through social media platforms, professional forums, and online communities can lead to valuable collaborations, mentorships, and job referrals.

4. Thought Leadership:

Personal branding enables you to position yourself as a thought leader in your niche. By sharing your expertise through blogs, articles, podcasts, or videos, you can contribute valuable insights to the industry, gain recognition, and influence others in the field.

5. Entrepreneurial Ventures:

For tech professionals aspiring to start their own ventures, personal branding is crucial. It helps in attracting investors, partners, and customers. A strong online presence can also facilitate crowdfunding campaigns and generate buzz for your startup.

Tips for Building a Strong Online Presence:

1. Define Your Brand:

Identify your unique strengths, skills, and passions within the tech industry. Determine what sets you apart from others and craft a clear and concise personal brand statement that reflects your expertise and values.

2. Create a Professional Website:

Developing a personal website serves as your online hub. Include your portfolio, resume, blog, and links to your social media profiles. Ensure that the design is clean, user-friendly, and showcases your skills effectively.

3. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile:

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professionals. Complete your profile with a professional photo, detailed work experience, skills, and recommendations. Regularly update your profile with your latest projects, achievements, and skills to stay relevant.

4. Showcase Your Expertise:

Share your knowledge through blogs, articles, podcasts, or videos. Create valuable, informative, and engaging content related to your field of expertise. Consistency is key; aim to publish content regularly to keep your audience engaged.

5. Engage on Social Media:

Be active on social media platforms relevant to your industry, such as Twitter, GitHub, or Stack Overflow. Engage in conversations, share industry news, and participate in discussions. Use relevant hashtags to expand your reach and connect with a broader audience.

6. Attend Industry Events:

Participate in conferences, webinars, workshops, and networking events within your industry. These events provide excellent opportunities to showcase your expertise, learn from others, and expand your professional network.

7. Seek Feedback and Improve:

Encourage feedback from your audience and peers. Be open to constructive criticism and continuously work on improving your skills and online presence. Adapt to changing industry trends and technologies to stay relevant.

8. Be Authentic:

Authenticity is key to building a strong personal brand. Be genuine in your interactions, share your experiences (both successes and failures), and show your passion for the tech industry. Authenticity fosters trust and makes your brand more relatable to your audience.

In conclusion, building a strong online presence through personal branding is essential for tech professionals looking to advance their careers, establish credibility, and seize new opportunities. By defining your brand, creating a professional website, showcasing your expertise, engaging on social media, attending industry events, and being authentic, you can create a compelling personal brand that leaves a lasting impression on your audience and the tech community. Start today, and let your personal brand propel you toward a successful and fulfilling tech career.

| posted by Ennie Ojomo
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 Navigating the Tech Job Market: Trends and Opportunities

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the job market is a dynamic and multifaceted entity. As we step further into the 21st century, the tech industry continues to expand, bringing forth new trends and opportunities that shape the way professionals approach their careers. Navigating this intricate terrain requires a keen understanding of the current trends and a proactive mindset to seize the abundant opportunities available. In this article, we delve into the latest trends and explore the vast opportunities that await those venturing into the tech job market.

Emerging Trends in the Tech Job Market:

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies is at the forefront of the tech job market. Companies across industries are leveraging these innovations to enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and gain valuable insights from data. Professionals skilled in AI and ML algorithms, neural networks, and natural language processing are in high demand.

2. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy:

With the rise in cyber threats and data breaches, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for organizations. Tech experts specializing in cybersecurity, ethical hacking, and data privacy regulations are essential assets in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining digital integrity.

3. Cloud Computing and DevOps:

Cloud computing and DevOps practices have revolutionized the way businesses operate. Cloud solutions provide scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making them integral to modern enterprises. Professionals proficient in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud, coupled with expertise in DevOps methodologies, are highly sought after.

4. Internet of Things (IoT):

The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, connecting devices and enabling seamless communication. IoT professionals adept at developing embedded systems, IoT protocols, and data analytics for connected devices are instrumental in shaping smart homes, cities, and industries.

5. Remote Work and Digital Collaboration:

The global shift towards remote work has accelerated the adoption of digital collaboration tools and virtual communication platforms. Tech professionals skilled in remote collaboration tools, cybersecurity for remote environments, and virtual project management are indispensable in this new work paradigm.

Opportunities Abound:

1. Diverse Job Roles:

The tech industry offers a diverse array of job roles catering to various skills and interests. From software development, data analysis, and network engineering to UX/UI design, digital marketing, and tech consulting, there is a role for every passion within the tech domain.

2. Entrepreneurship and Startups:

The tech job market provides a fertile ground for aspiring entrepreneurs. With the rise of venture capital funding and startup incubators, tech enthusiasts can transform innovative ideas into successful startups, contributing to technological advancements and job creation.

3. Continuous Learning and Upskilling:

The rapid pace of technological advancements necessitates continuous learning. Online platforms, coding bootcamps, and specialized tech courses empower professionals to upskill and stay relevant in their fields. Lifelong learning is not just a trend but a fundamental requirement in the tech job market.

4. Global Opportunities:

The tech job market transcends geographical boundaries, offering global opportunities for tech professionals. Remote work options and cross-border collaborations enable professionals to work with international teams, fostering cultural diversity and enriching global perspectives.


In navigating the tech job market, staying informed about emerging trends and embracing continuous learning are key. The opportunities within the tech industry are vast and varied, catering to a wide spectrum of skills and interests. Whether you are a seasoned developer, a cybersecurity expert, a creative designer, or a tech-savvy entrepreneur, the tech job market welcomes diverse talents.

Embrace the future of technology with a proactive mindset, adaptability, and a passion for innovation. By staying abreast of trends, honing your skills, and exploring the myriad opportunities available, you can carve a fulfilling and successful career path in the ever-expanding world of technology. Seize the moment, and let your tech journey begin!

| posted by Ennie Ojomo
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Mastering the Art of Technical Interviews: Tips and Strategies

Technical interviews are the cornerstone of landing a rewarding job in the technology sector. These interviews, while challenging, are designed to assess your problem-solving skills, technical expertise, and ability to work under pressure. Mastering the art of technical interviews is crucial for tech enthusiasts aiming to secure their dream positions. In this article, we’ll explore valuable tips and strategies to help you navigate technical interviews with confidence and poise.

Understanding the Technical Interview Landscape

Technical interviews often consist of coding challenges, problem-solving tasks, and discussions about algorithms and data structures. It’s essential to comprehend the different types of technical interviews you might encounter:

Coding Challenges: These tests assess your ability to write clean, efficient code to solve specific problems within a limited timeframe.

Algorithm and Data Structure Questions: Interviewers might inquire about algorithms and data structures to evaluate your understanding of fundamental concepts.

System Design Interviews: These interviews focus on designing scalable and efficient systems, testing your ability to think critically about architecture and components.

Tips and Strategies for Success

Master the Basics:

Data Structures and Algorithms: A solid understanding of data structures (arrays, linked lists, trees, and graphs) and algorithms (sorting, searching, and dynamic programming) is fundamental.

Complexity Analysis: Be able to analyze the time and space complexity of your algorithms.

Practice Regularly:

Coding Challenges: Practice coding regularly on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or CodeSignal to hone your problem-solving skills.

Mock Interviews: Participate in mock interviews with peers or use online platforms offering interview simulations to experience real-time interview scenarios.

Understand Problem-solving Pattern

Debugging and Optimization:

Debugging Skills: Practice debugging your code efficiently. Learn to use debugging tools and techniques to identify and fix errors.

Optimization: After solving a problem, look for ways to optimize your solution. Optimization demonstrates your ability to think critically and improve your code’s efficiency.

Effective Communication:

Explain Your Thought Process: During interviews, explain your thought process clearly. Interviewers appreciate candidates who articulate their thinking, even if they make mistakes.

Ask Questions: If a problem is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Clarifying doubts shows your analytical skills and attention to detail.

Learn from Rejections:

Feedback Analysis: If you face rejections, don’t be discouraged. Seek feedback whenever possible and analyze areas where you can improve. Use the feedback to target your weaknesses.

Stay Calm and Confident:

Practice Mindfulness: Technical interviews can be stressful, so practice mindfulness techniques to stay calm and focused during the interview.

Confidence: Believe in your abilities. Confidence, coupled with preparation, can significantly enhance your performance.

Mastering the art of technical interviews is an ongoing process that requires dedication, continuous learning, and adaptability. By mastering core concepts, practising regularly, and refining your problem-solving skills, you can face technical interviews with confidence. Remember, each interview experience, whether successful or not, provides valuable insights for your growth. With perseverance and the right strategies, you can navigate technical interviews successfully and pave the way for a rewarding tech career.

October 26, 2023 | posted by Ennie Ojomo
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The Future of Work: Remote Collaboration Tools and Strategies

In the wake of the digital revolution, the way we work is undergoing a paradigm shift. The traditional 9-to-5 office grind is slowly transforming into a flexible, location-independent model, thanks to the rise of remote collaboration tools and strategies. As technology continues to advance, businesses are embracing the advantages of remote work, leading to increased productivity, better work-life balance, and a more diverse workforce. In this article, we will explore the future of work, focusing on the remote collaboration tools and strategies that are reshaping the professional landscape.

Embracing Remote Work: A New Era of Collaboration

1. Virtual Communication Tools:

Remote work heavily relies on seamless communication. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Discord have become the virtual office spaces of the modern workforce. These platforms offer instant messaging, file sharing, and video conferencing features, allowing teams to collaborate in real-time, irrespective of their geographical locations.

2. Project Management Software:

Managing projects and tasks remotely can be challenging without the right tools. Project management software like Asana, Trello, and Basecamp enable teams to organize tasks, set priorities, and track progress collaboratively. These platforms enhance transparency, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding project timelines and goals.

3. Cloud-Based Document Collaboration:

Cloud-based platforms such as Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) and Microsoft 365 provide a collaborative environment for creating, editing, and sharing documents in real time. Multiple team members can work on the same document simultaneously, fostering efficient collaboration and eliminating version control issues.

4. Video Conferencing Solutions:

Video conferencing tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet have become indispensable for remote teams. These platforms offer high-quality video and audio capabilities, facilitating virtual meetings, webinars, and presentations. Video conferencing enhances team engagement by providing face-to-face interactions, even in a virtual setting.

Strategies for Effective Remote Collaboration: Building a Connected Team

1. Clear Communication Protocols:

Establishing clear communication protocols is vital for remote teams. Define expectations regarding response times, meeting schedules, and preferred communication channels. Encourage open communication and active participation to maintain a sense of connection among team members.

2. Cultivating a Collaborative Culture:

Foster a culture of collaboration by encouraging teamwork, knowledge sharing, and mutual support. Recognize and celebrate team achievements, fostering a sense of camaraderie. Regular virtual team-building activities and casual catch-ups can help strengthen interpersonal relationships, enhancing collaboration and trust.

3. Flexible Work Hours and Results-Based Performance:

Remote work offers the flexibility to accommodate various work schedules. Focus on results-based performance metrics rather than strict working hours. Trusting employees to manage their time effectively promotes a sense of responsibility and empowers individuals to deliver high-quality work, irrespective of location or working hours.

4. Investing in Employee Training and Support:

Provide training sessions to familiarize employees with remote collaboration tools and best practices. Offer ongoing support to address technical issues promptly. Investing in the skills and well-being of remote workers ensures they feel valued and equipped to contribute effectively to the team.

Conclusion: Embracing a Remote-First Future

The future of work is undeniably remote, offering unprecedented opportunities for businesses and employees alike. By embracing advanced collaboration tools and implementing effective strategies, organizations can create a connected, productive, and harmonious virtual workplace. As remote collaboration becomes the norm, adapting to this digital transformation is not just a choice but a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive in the evolving work landscape. By fostering a culture of collaboration, investing in the right tools, and nurturing a supportive environment, businesses can pave the way for a successful and sustainable remote-first future.

| posted by Ennie Ojomo
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Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s get to the heart of the matter. Yes, we’re having a conversation here, and it’s intentional that this guide reads like a dialogue. So, how can you ride the wave successfully?

1. First and foremost, define your goals clearly. While this might seem like common sense, it’s crucial. You can’t make the most of the wave if you don’t have a clear understanding of your objectives and the path to reach them. Set specific career goals, including the job role and industry you’re targeting. Create a comprehensive list of companies you aspire to work with. This strategic approach will allow you to target your applications more effectively, rather than sending your CV blindly to any company or job opening. I’ll explain why shortly. As a bonus, this list will help you focus on positions that truly align with your skills.

2. Optimize Your Resumes: The idea of a generic, one-size-fits-all CV is a fallacy. Recruiters are continually searching for applications that closely match their requirements. How can your generic CV effectively communicate what they’re looking for? It’s crucial to tailor your CV to each specific job opportunity you pursue. Always customize your career achievements and CV to emphasize experiences relevant to the role.

If you’ve held your current role for an extended period and your CV has gathered dust, consider enlisting a professional CV writer’s help. Collaborate closely with the professional to revamp your CV, with a focus on highlighting your accomplishments. Don’t be bashful about showcasing your achievements; they’re meant to be celebrated (so go ahead and trumpet your successes!).

3. Create Your Portfolio: This might sound unconventional, but developing a portfolio is a valuable step, especially as a project manager and business analyst. Your portfolio should provide insights into the projects you’ve been involved in and serve as your personal and professional pitch deck. Think about how you’d present yourself to your desired organizations and your target role. It can give you a competitive edge, trust me!

4. Apply For As Many Relevant Jobs As Possible, provided you genuinely believe you’re a strong fit. Avoid haphazard applications; don’t be the person who brags about sending out applications to 1,001 firms, receiving 999 rejections, and securing 2 offers. To put it delicately, some of those situations may reveal desperation-driven, haphazard applications.

Picture your CV and job application strategy as those of a sharpshooter with a sniper. You have a limited number of bullets and limited time for reloads. You must strategically aim your shots (applications) with precision and intention. Don’t behave like someone wielding a machine gun. You get what I mean?

5. Network, network, and expand your network within your field of interest. Networking goes beyond online connections, so don’t hesitate to initiate conversations with former colleagues, managers, HR professionals, friends, and others. Let them know about your career transition goals, and ask them to keep you informed about any job openings in their organization or any leads they may have.

You can also leverage your network to obtain referrals for specific opportunities and introductions to decision-makers. 

6. Check company websites: Take the time to explore the career pages of the firms you aspire to work with. You may discover job openings that haven’t been widely advertised on mainstream job sites. Quick fact: Some job opportunities take time to surface and be widely publicized on the public job boards. Some companies even provide their recruitment team’s email contacts for you to directly send your application to on their website. Others offer talent pool options where you can submit your CV for future job opportunities. Leverage them.

7. Join niche-focused career communities aligned with your career path. This will not only allow you to network with professionals already in your desired field but also grant you exclusive access to job openings that organizations prefer not to publicize widely. Sometimes, to spare their HR teams the task of sifting through a multitude of CVs, organizations rely on employee referrals.

8. Cold Mail, still effective since 1971: Side gist, that was the actual year when emails were invented. Anyway, cold emails are still effective. Pitch yourself to the firms you aspire to work for; you may be pleasantly surprised.

9. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile is well optimized. Recruiters use keywords daily to search for potential employees on LinkedIn. Your profile should be packed with the right keywords and contain sufficient details to rank well. If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, you’re missing out. In case you didn’t know, your LinkedIn profile is likely the first result in a random Google search of your email.

Furthermore, LinkedIn serves as an effective gateway for connecting and conversing with decision-makers and potential employers. Approach this strategically: request informational interviews, initiate the conversation by sending messages or InMails (LinkedIn’s version of emails) after doing your initial research, and position yourself. Another secret (it seems I share a lot with you) is for you to create content around your niche and strategically comment on the posts of those that you are trying to establish connections with.

10. Prepare for Your Interviews: You don’t want to be the person who invests more time in one aspect of the job search process and neglects one of the most critical elements—interviews. Your ability to communicate effectively with interviewers, demonstrating why you’re a perfect fit for the company, is paramount. There’s an abundance of resources available to guide and prepare you; make use of them.

11. Don’t Give Up: I’m not aiming to be a motivational speaker, but this message is important—don’t give up. While there may be a surge in job openings and applications during this season, there may also be an increase in rejection emails. Armor up and keep moving forward; you’re on the right path to your destination. There’s not much more to say, but I believe you understand what I’m getting at.


Huff Post Article

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October 4, 2023 | posted by Emmanuel Jemegbe
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